




  • ACT1 Commercial Grade Aramid Honeycomb

    ACT1 commercial grade aramid honeycomb is manufactured from Nomex® paper (or equivalent) and coated with a heat resistant phenolic resin (MIL-R-9299).

  • ACT2 Aerospace Grade Aramid Honeycomb

    ACT2aerospace grade aramid honeycomb is manufactured from Nomex® aerospace grade paper and coated with a heat resistant phenolic resin(MIL-R-9299).

  • Sandwich Structures

    There are many procedures to make aramid core sandwich structures. We will outline a typical prepreg based autoclave cure procedure that will meet the above requirements:

  • Advantages

    Nomex® honeycomb provides a unique combination of properties. When multiple design requirements are considered, it is often found that no other honeycomb will do the job with less weight.

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